Norway SpruceMature Height: 40’-60’Mature Spread: 25’-30’Growth: FastShape: PyramidalSun: Full sunSoil: Acidic. loamy, moist, sandy, well drainedZone: 3-7Points: •Fastest growing of all spruces•Produces 4”-6” stiffly scaled cones•Makes an excellent wind break•Strong graceful branches covered with dark green needles•Easily transplanted
46 North West 1821st Road Kingsville, MO. 64061 (816) 405-0728
Norway SpruceMature Height: 40’-60’Mature Spread: 25’-30’Growth: FastShape: PyramidalSun: Full sunSoil: Acidic. loamy, moist, sandy, well drainedZone: 3-7Points: •Fastest growing of all spruces•Produces 4”-6” stiffly scaled cones•Makes an excellent wind break•Strong graceful branches covered with dark green needles•Easily transplanted
46 North West 1821st Road Kingsville, MO. 64061 (816) 405-0728