Red Maple

Mature Height: 40’ - 60’ Mature Spread: Up to 40’ Growth: Medium to fast Shape: Oval Sun: Full sun, partial shade Soil: Acidic. loam, moist, rich, sandy, well drained, wet Zone: 3-9 Points: Deep red or yellow fall color with red stems in winter Fast growing Spring blooms Attracts squirrels, rabbits, deer

46 North West 1821st Road Kingsville, MO. 64061 (816) 405-0728

A Schutt Log Homes Company   Old Mill Farms

Red Maple

Mature Height: 40’ - 60’ Mature Spread: Up to 40’ Growth: Medium to fast Shape: Oval Sun: Full sun, partial shade Soil: Acidic. loam, moist, rich, sandy, well drained, wet Zone: 3-9 Points: Deep red or yellow fall color with red stems in winter Fast growing Spring blooms Attracts squirrels, rabbits, deer

46 North West 1821st Road Kingsville, MO. 64061 (816) 405-0728

A Schutt Log Homes Company   Old Mill Farms