Red Haven Peach

Mature Height: 25’ but usually pruned to 15’ Mature Spread: 10’’ Growth: Moderate- Fast Shape: Sun: Full to part shade Soil: Moist well drained Zone:4-9 Points: Known for attractive pink Spring flowers, sweet fruit and Easy care and maintanence Requires 800-900 chill hours Can live for more than 40 years

46 North West 1821st Road Kingsville, MO. 64061 (816) 405-0728

A Schutt Log Homes Company   Old Mill Farms
$35.00 24”-36” 3 gallon pot Sold Out

Red Haven Peach

Mature Height: 25’ but usually pruned to 15’ Mature Spread: 10’’ Growth: Moderate- Fast Shape: Sun: Full to part shade Soil: Moist well drained Zone:4-9 Points: Known for attractive pink Spring flowers, sweet fruit and Easy care and maintanence Requires 800-900 chill hours Can live for more than 40 years
46 North West 1821st Road Kingsville, MO. 64061
A Schutt Log Homes Company   Old Mill Farms