Spartan Juniper

Mature Height: 15’ Mature Spread: 5-6’ Growth: Medium-12-15” per year Shape: Low growing Sun: Full sun Soil: Drought tolerant Zone: 4-9 Points: One of the fastest growing Junipers Excellent privacy or wind break Naturally pyramidal growth habit, no pruning required.

46 North West 1821st Road Kingsville, MO. 64061 (816) 405-0728

A Schutt Log Homes Company   Old Mill Farms
$30.00 1 gallon pot

Spartan Juniper

Mature Height: 15’ Mature Spread: 5-6’ Growth: Medium-12-15” per year Shape: Low growing Sun: Full sun Soil: Drought tolerant Zone: 4-9 Points: One of the fastest growing Junipers Excellent privacy or wind break Naturally pyramidal growth habit, no pruning required.

46 North West 1821st Road Kingsville, MO. 64061 (816) 405-0728

A Schutt Log Homes Company   Old Mill Farms